
Once you submit your registration, we will send you an email from with your login information. Please check your inbox or spam/junk folders and retain this information for future submissions.

After you register, you will be asked to login. You can return and edit your story any time by using the login button in the top menu bar on the home page.

  • Login Details

    You can login with both email address and username. Please enter all details accurately.

  • Minimum length of 6 characters

  • About Yourself

  • List any previous relevant training attended (both within your own country and internationally)?

  • The country in which you work?

  • Are you an Individual (or is your employer an Associate) member of AfSBT?

  • Confirm your standard of spoken English?

  • Tell us your first primary language you speak.

  • Give contact details for a senior member of your organisation who can provide a reference for you and, if necessary, confirm you can be released for training. Contact details MUST INCLUDE AN EMAIL ADDRESS and FULL NAME

    Registration Guide

    Create a username that has a minimum of 5 characters, use lowercase letters or numbers only.

    Passwords should be a minimum of 6 characters with upper and lower case characters, numbers and special characters allowed.